Montreal is amazing! I was a bit surprised when I got here and the majority of the populations speaks french. Well sure, I knew that this is the french speaking part of Canada, but still. Always a bit funny when someone is coming up to you and trying to pitch something to you in french, and you don't understand anything at all. Haha. And that happens a lot!
söndag 24 april 2011
Montreal I
Montreal is amazing! I was a bit surprised when I got here and the majority of the populations speaks french. Well sure, I knew that this is the french speaking part of Canada, but still. Always a bit funny when someone is coming up to you and trying to pitch something to you in french, and you don't understand anything at all. Haha. And that happens a lot!
onsdag 20 april 2011
måndag 18 april 2011
Shades of Red
Sitting in School and editing some pictures. For example some self-portraits, those I took this Friday. I like to try different kinds of make-up, and what better person is there to try on then myself?
Ps. This Thursday I'm finally going! Yay!! Montreal and New York, here I come!
söndag 17 april 2011
Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine! Weekend's been wonderful. But this I might tell you about later.
Here is one of the pics I've been working on for the last couple of weeks. This is going to be a full series, but I still have a couple of pics to take before it's finished. Anyway, as some people now I'm not always too good when it comes to patience, so I decided to show you this one anyway...
Ps. Seriously, it looks kinda pathetic in this small format, so you guys just gotta click on it! You can probably change the format of the frame. I'll investigate that later. See you!
fredag 15 april 2011
Trial of me
This picture is not even close to being finished. So far I've just put on two curves and nothing else. I will show the finished one later. However, I wanted to show what I've been doing today. I went to the studio and took those self portraits. (And no... I'm not naked) And I also want to try different make-ups in myself. I think it is so much fun to do make-up and come up with new stuff to do all the time!
But now I gotta go, since I'm going to a barbecue party tonight. So I need to get everything finished!
Ps. An advise is to NOT look like that while you're walking the public streets. People are looking at you... Really.
torsdag 14 april 2011
The Predator
I got a feeling that the future is gonna be awesome! Got so much in store. But I should start with getting out of bed and do something useful with my day. Dunno if I want to though... Cause I had the most amazing dream tonight. I dreamt I was shopping in New York and found lots and lots of just amazing stuff! Haha.
Ps. Malin is "The Predator". Great, love it! She looks like some kinda creature about to set off for a hunt or something. Exactly what I wanted!
tisdag 12 april 2011
The beginning
Sorry for not updating for such a long time. I've been so incredibly busy doing like a million things. At least it seems that way. This is a project which I did last week, and now I just got back to "the village" to do the editing. I got tons of things to edit, school projects and privet projects. So I guess I'm gonna be pretty busy for a couple of days. Hopefully I will find some time to do some more photographing this week, but we'll see.
Ps. The pics are SOO much greater if you click on them!
måndag 4 april 2011
Konsten att se
Fotografin föddes i mitten av 1800-talet och har sedan dess både fascinerat, förundrat och ibland förvillat oss. Redan från början handlade fotografin om äkthet och sanning. Men fotograferna utvecklade snabbt metoder för manipulation av verkligheten. Då byggdes bilder av kemi och silverkorn, idag rör vi oss med pixlar och datorer. Gemensamt för all fotografi oavsett epok eller genrer är det visuella språket och des...s förmåga att få oss att minnas, drömma och i viss mån stanna tid.
I en gemensam utställning presenterar sig 22 blivande reklamfotografer från Fotoskolan i Gamleby. Nu som då tar fotograferna med oss på en visuell resa.
VERNISSAGE: 7/4 kl. 17-20
Utställningen pågår 7/4 - 19/4
Medverkande fotografer:
Beata Cervin
Dan Sjölund
David Sandell
Emma Franzén
Emma Shevtzoff
Hawta Magid
Helena Nyytäjä
Ida Halling
Johanna Ankarcrona
Johanna Sterling
Jonas Carmhagen
Jonathan Silfverberg
Josefin Bergqvist
Karin Lundin
Mattias Hamrén
Mitra Ekström
Ninja Hanna
Oskar Vallinder
Pelle Lannefors
Rachel Ottley
Rowan Thornhill
Tone Margrethe Gauden
(And sorry about not translating this into English...)