onsdag 29 december 2010


In my last post, I forgot to wish all of you guys a merry Christmas and a happy new year! I hope all of you have had a wonderful time.

The new year's resolution is on my behalf, that 2011 is going to be the greatest year so far. And I have no doubts that this wish will come true with the right attitude. And something that I'm also aiming at, is my foot getting better. Still can't walk. I had a revisit at the doctors' today, and they said in a couple of weeks time I will hopefully be able to walk. But I probably can't go out for a run until summer... Well, time heal all wounds. So I just need to be patient.

Still, even though we are sooo close to 2011, I have loads of unpublished pics. And I think I should get started on it. This was a product shoot I did for an assignment. I it is supposed to have text as well... But perhaps I'll show that some other time.

tisdag 28 december 2010


It's really strange, how fast time the time is running by. Cause now, we're about to say hello to the new year. And Christmas has already passed.

By the way, Christmas was lovely. My family from England came for a visit and I had this super cosy feeling, which you are supposed to get around Christmas.

On the picture, is my brother's girlfriend, Anja.

tisdag 14 december 2010

Night Owl

Before, I could not tell if it was a good idea to publish this or not. It is really supposed to be a 4 picture series, instead of only 2. I took all the pics, but I realized I would have redo one of them. And suddenly, the snow came falling down. And it was not any longer possible.

Anyhow, the theme is "Night Owl" and the girl is sleepy and drowsy during daytime, while she comes alive at nighttime. There are so many other thoughts behind the scenery etc... But I feel that at the moment, it's pretty difficult for me to explain. I seem to have lost a bit of my ability to speak recently. Haha. There have been quite some situations when I've not been able to explain how I was thinking or why I did as I did. But I'm sure the words will come back to me.

However, soon we are going on Christmas break. I must admit, it's going to be lovely. And then my foot will hopefully heel so I can walk again when I get back to school.

torsdag 9 december 2010

Pandora's Box

It's been a while now since I published anything at all. But I've been sooo busy. Recently I was in Stockholm with my year. Unfortunately, I was a bit clumsy that Saturday, which made me spend Sunday in hospital. I broke my leading-strings in my left foot.

Anyway, this is a picture I took a couple of weeks ago. I think it is pretty self-explanatory. The box (if you are familiar with the story) has just been peeked inside of and the terror is starting show. The world is turning to a dark place. I hope you like it!!